First UU Pandemic Assessment and Response Committee Charter
Sunset: When the World Health Organization determines the pandemic is over or one-year from establishment, whichever comes first. At sunset, Board can suspend / renew / reappoint as appropriate
Composition: 9 members of the congregation plus 2 non-voting Board members. Staff to provide input / support on ad hoc basis. Committee empowered to add additional ad hoc members as needed.
Lens: While performing its role, the committee should consider the Lens of Future Church: what do we want to look like after the pandemic? How are we different? How can we be better and stronger and more inclusive?
Reporting: workplan submitted to the Board in July, preliminary recommendations to Board in August with first full report to Board by second Thursday in September: discussion and actions to be determined during September Board meeting. On-going monthly reports as pandemic ebbs and flows with continual renewal of risk assessment and appropriate activities with an eye to the future.
Scope: the committee will address the following considering full and partial opening of church activities
- Small group programming during pandemic: approaches to energize and engage our community
- Childcare, youth groups
- Limits on group size with various opening scenarios
- PPE, and social distancing requirements
- Kitchen use
- Risk assessment of sustained closure, partial, and full opening
- Types of activities that merit partial opening
- Procedure for determining partial and full opening
- Cleaning procedures and protocols for various opening scenarios
- Cost impacts for various opening scenarios
- Community spread thresholds that trigger partial / full opening and shut-down
- Reference information and sources for guiding decisions and risk assessment
- Congregational composition with respect to disease impact and outcomes
- Options to enable blended in-person and remote meetings that permit socialization across individual risk tolerance levels
- Insurance / liability
- Monthly re-evaluation (more or less) depending on pandemic situation; expected to be dynamic