Book Group: “Understanding the Bible: An Introduction for Skeptics, Seekers, and Religious Liberals”

Book group: “Understanding the Bible: An Introduction for Skeptics, Seekers, and Religious Liberals”  by Rev. John A. Buehrens. 

Facilitator:  Rev. Meredith Garmon

Designed to help empower skeptics, seekers, nonbelievers, and those of a liberal and progressive outlook to reclaim the Bible from literalists.

Rev. Garmon will base his February 23 sermon on this book and then offer four book discussions.  The first Saturday will focus on reasons to bother with the Bible, the next two sessions on the Hebrew Bible, and the fourth session on the Christian Scriptures or the New Testament.  We will meet Saturdays March 1st, March 8th, April 5th and April 12th from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Mary Safford room at First Unitarian Church.

If you consider yourself a traditionalist or a modernist or neither, you will find this book a tremendous aid in interpreting Hebrew and Christian scriptures. If you’ve ever lived in a place where people use the Bible to justify ever action, and you do not have knowledge of the Bible, you may have found that you had arrived at a battle and you were unarmed. If you’ve ever been to a place where people use the Bible as a cookbook, applying the letter of its content, but not the spirit, and do authoritative damage to others, then you will find this book by John Buehrens “Understanding the Bible”, a refreshing, easy-to-read book that captures the spirit of the Bible while providing the reader with the necessary armor to shield them against any biblical interpretation that is based in disguised fear rather than compassion.  John Buehrens looks at the Bible through a modern-day lens that includes both Jewish and feminist perspectives that enables us to unchain the Bible from the past and make it relevant and useful for the 21st Century.  Whether you consider yourself to be a skeptic, seeker, or religious liberal, neglecting the rich rhetoric and iconic power of the Bible is to ignore the impact that it has had on western Society and continues to have. Buehrens looks at historical aspects, original intent, and how tradition has reshaped the historical literature of the Bible. Understanding the Bible is key to our being interpreters of our common Judaeo-Christian heritage and is key to taking responsibility for our own spiritual maturation. Rather than preach about the Bible, Buehrens eloquently writes of the Bible and explores its narrative as metaphor so that we may transcend any arbitrary boundaries or creedal beliefs and enter into a relationship with others by finding common ground for which to begin conversations so that we may live together in harmony.  For anyone who wishes to understand the Bible and apply its content to today’s world, John Buehrens’ book, Understanding the Bible, is a must read.

You can purchase the book at Thrift BooksAmazon, and the UUA InSpirit bookstore.

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