Our minister welcomes pastoral conversations with members and friends of our church. The minister may counsel with someone on a short-term basis (three sessions), and, depending on the nature of your concern, may refer you to our Caring Ministry Team, someone on our Pastoral Care Team, or to an outside professional.
When might you want to schedule a chat?
- When you don’t know your minister, but would like to…
- When you are facing a problem with your children, parents or anyone else …
- When you’ve lost your job or are considering a new career…
- When you’re having trouble in your relationship or marriage…
- When you’d like to invite a friend to church, but you’re not sure how to go about it…
- When there is illness, hospitalization or death…
- When you are facing an important decision…
- When you are pregnant and glad you are or wish you weren’t.
- When you would like to have children but can’t…
- When you feel ready to join First Unitarian (also see Become a Member )…
- When you are unhappy about or delighted with First Unitarian…
- When you are experiencing a religious struggle or have religious questions…
- When you want to have your child dedicated…
- When you are feeling joyful and want to share your joy (also see Joys & Concerns )…
You could also contact them if you win the lottery, want to request a favorite hymn or have a good joke to tell. They will appreciate the opportunity to become better acquainted with you.