Kitchen Committee Description

Kitchen Committee

Job Description

Prepared by the Logistics Subcommittee of the Kitchen Committee

Purpose: The Kitchen Committee will coordinate all kitchen activities with the intention of:

1. minimizing the unnecessary purchase of food and supplies and unnecessary storage,

2. maintaining clean and sanitary conditions for food preparation and serving,

3. promoting safe usage of the facility and equipment,

4. spreading upkeep over several people, and

5. serving as the place for answers about all things kitchen.

Scheduling the Use of the Kitchen will occur with staff, Hannah Notch, who will share the information with the Kitchen Committee.

Guiding Principle of Sustainability*—Use washable, reusable tableware for serving and consuming food on site and at church sponsored events. In rare instances when washable, reusable tableware cannot be used, use compostable products that congregants compost in local bins.

Committee Membership—a member of Hospitality, a member of Green Team, a member of Family Promise, Memorial Committee representative and several people committed to the day-to-day oversight of the kitchen.

Roles and Responsibilities of Staff

Persons wishing to use the Kitchen should contact the Director of Finance and Administration to reserve the date and time, indicate the type of event and numbers of people involved, and to receive any instructions from the Kitchen Committee.

Roles and Responsibilities of Kitchen Committee

a. Develop usage guidelines for groups that sign up to use the Kitchen.

b. Identify for each group that signs up for using the Kitchen what supplies they need for the number expected to be served, e.g., condiments, napkins.

c. Develop instructions and orientation for use of the dishwasher and induction cook tops.

d. Inspect the kitchen after each function to be sure it is ready for the next function, and if necessary, discuss issues with the leader of the group who used the kitchen last.

e. Work with janitorial staff on how to clean floors and manage the trash and recycling.

f. Solicit feedback from those who use the kitchen as to their experience.

g. Create an inventory and order system; replace supplies or work with staff to order needed supplies.

h. Create instructions on cleaning the various surfaces in the kitchen, advise the kitchen users on how things should be cleaned, arrange a cleaning schedule, and identify those who will clean, and work with staff to keep necessary cleaning supplies on hand.

i. Identify from each group that signs up for using the Kitchen what supplies are needed for the number expected to be served, e.g., condiments, napkins.

j. Be available to any group that uses the kitchen to assist in any way possible. Contact the Team Leader for any assistance.

k. Identify who does the laundry after each event.

Roles and Responsibilities of Kitchen Users

Clean the kitchen upon completion of their project which includes the laundry of dish towels.


*The Sustainability policy emanates from the UUA, was accepted by the Green Sanctuary of First Unitarian Church, and was affirmed by the Church’s Board of Trustees on December 22, 2022.