Level 1 – Groups of 10 or fewer people are allowed to meet outdoors. Building use is limited to single persons for setup and bathroom use for groups meeting on the church grounds, and for other specific activities approved by the Board.
The church building remains closed except for specific activities authorized by the Board. Groups are allowed to meet in person in outdoor settings.
The following procedures apply to activities at Level 1:
- Small groups are allowed to gather for in-person activities at their own risk, either on the church grounds or in other public or private spaces, subject to the following restrictions.
- All gatherings must be held outdoors in the open air.
- No more than 10 people may assemble at any one time.
- No communal singing or chanting is allowed.
- Minimize contact with common surfaces; no shared open containers of food or beverages, talking pieces, other materials, or handouts are allowed.
- Facial coverings are required only if there is extended close contact between participants (less than an arm’s length separation from other persons not in your pod).
- Participants may bring food and beverages for their own use or for sharing. Food preparation, handling, transporting, distribution, and serving must follow strict health and safety procedures. Used containers, dishes, and utensils must be collected in a closed plastic bag (or similar container) for removal from the site.
- The facilitator will assemble a list of all attendees with phone numbers or emails and report to the Membership Coordinator within 24 hours of meeting completion. Group members must be encouraged to report any illness to the Senior Minister if they fall ill within a week of the group meeting.
- Any use of church grounds for group activities must be scheduled through the normal church calendar procedures. Scheduling requests should be emailed to pbusch@ucdsm.org.
- The church building is closed for all access and uses, except as follows.
- Staff are encouraged to work from home, but are allowed to come into the building at their discretion.
- Limited access for specific tasks such as maintenance and cleaning.
- Specific activities authorized by the board, with defined restrictions on number of people, building area to be used, cleaning, etc.
- Groups meeting on the church grounds may access the building with the following restrictions.
- Building access for set-up activities is limited to 1 person at any one time. Bathroom or lift use is also limited to 1 person at a time, unless caregiver assistance is needed.
- Use of the kitchen is not allowed.
- No group meetings or gatherings are allowed in the building.
- The lift may be used to provide access to the patio area from the upper parking lots.
- Events held on the patio or adjacent areas will be limited to using the bathrooms on the lower level. Events held on the north or west side of the building, or in the upper parking lot will be limited to using the bathrooms on the upper level.
- Cleaning supplies, such as sanitizing wipes, alcohol spray, and hand sanitizer will be provided by the church. Extra facial coverings must be provided by the group.
- Everyone is encouraged to wash their hands or to use a hand sanitizer while in the building and immediately after leaving.