Level 2 – Groups of 20 or fewer people are allowed to meet outdoors, and groups of 10 or fewer people are allowed to meet indoors. Sunday programs may be partially or totally originated from the auditorium, with no more than 10 total participants.
The procedures for outdoor gatherings are the same as in Level 1, except that groups not participating in food events may include up to 20 people. The following procedures apply to all groups meeting indoors, including those presenting the Sunday morning program from the church.
- Individual pods must remain spaced as far as practical from other pods, with at least 6 feet distancing maintained at all times.
- No more than 10 people may be in the church building at any one time.
- Face coverings are required whenever 2 or more people not from the same pod are in a common room or other enclosed indoor space, regardless of separation
distance. - Everyone is encouraged to wash their hands or to use a hand sanitizer while in the building and immediately after leaving.
- Access to any one bathroom is limited to a single person, with a minimum of three minutes between users. Use sanitizing wipes to clean bathroom surfaces after each use.
- No congregational singing, chanting, recitation, or similar activity is allowed. Choir rehearsals and performances are allowed with appropriate precautions.
All group activities using the church building or grounds must be scheduled through the normal church calendar procedures. Scheduling requests should be emailed to pbusch@ucdsm.org.