Opening Level 3


Procedures applicable for Level 3 (Effective August 20, 2021)

  1. All meetings and events
    1. The meeting facilitator must keep a record of all attendees
    2. All attendees must be encouraged to notify the Senior Minister if they fall ill with Covid symptoms within a week of the group meeting.
    3. Food and drinks may be shared, but should not be self-served. Everyone serving food must wear a facial covering and disposable gloves.
    4. All meetings and events on church property must be scheduled throughthe normal church calendar procedures. Individuals planning an event should email a request to
    5. Everyone is encouraged to wash their hands or to use a hand sanitizerwhile at an event and immediately after leaving.
  2. Outdoor gatherings
    1. No limit on number of persons that can attend
    2. Masks are recommended for unvaccinated persons
    3. No communal singing or chanting is allowed unless all people that are notyet fully vaccinated are wearing appropriate facial coverings
  3. Gatherings in the church building
    1. Up to 50 persons may meet in the church auditorium. No more than 50people should be in the church building at any one time, with the number in any single room limited to allow appropriate distancing.
    2. The large activity room may not be used for group activities except forFamily Promise because of the limited air exchange in that area.
    3. Masks are required when two people that are in the same room cannot maintain 6 ft of separation, and when three or more people are in the same room.
    4. Congregational and choir singing is allowed as long as everyone in theroom is wearing a facial covering.
    5. A minimum of one hour must separate events with more than 20 people.
    6. The furnace blowers must be set to run continuously during and betweenevents with more than 20 people, with a minimum run time of one hour following each event.
  4. Indoor gatherings at other locations should follow the same guidelines, except the number of people allowed must be adjusted to reflect the individual conditions, including floor space and ventilation. Conditions should always allow for appropriate distancing.