Links to UUA Resources

Denominational Resources

First Unitarian Church of Des Moines is a member of the national organization for Unitarian Universalists, the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Through our financial support, we help the UUA carry out its mission “To equip congregations for health and vitality, to support and train lay and professional leaders, and to advance Unitarian Universalist values in the world.”

MidAmerica Region of the UUA 
The MidAmerica Region staff focuses on providing resources and training to congregations 12 states, including Iowa.

UUA General Assembly
General Assembly (GA), usually held near the end of June, is the annual gathering for members of congregations from around the world, and offers countless workshops, lectures, and services, as well as business meetings.

All church members and friends are welcome to attend, though to be a voting delegate, you must be a member. Detailed information will be shared in the Intercom and announcements on the website each spring. You may contact the current Board president at for further information.

UU College of Social Justice
The mission of the UU College of Social Justice is to inspire and sustain effective and spiritually grounded activism for justice.

Print Resources and UU Gifts

The Unitarian Universalist Association owns two distinct and complementary publishing houses, Beacon Press and Skinner House Books. The UUA also publishes the UU World magazine twice a year. Member of our church receive a mailed copy.

UUWorld – The magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association

UU Summer Camps & Retreats

UUs can enjoy gathering together at a variety of summer camps and retreat centers around the country. These three are the closest to our congregation in Des Moines: