Update 12/29/21:
As the pandemic— and particularly the rapidly spreading omicron variant— remains a disruptor in our lives, we are continuing to monitor the safety of our congregational community. We are watching both public health data and guidelines as well as recommendations and action by the UUA for how we gather safely. It is concerning to hear in recent days of many other UU churches choosing to go back to exclusively online programming.
Our objective is to do everything we can to avoid transmission without shutting down any of our programs and services. To do so in light of the ease of transmission of the recent viral variant, may require additional temporary mitigation measures for in-person gatherings. The board will continue to discuss this issue and may be considering this subject further at our next board meeting on January 6.
In the meantime, we continue to ask everyone who enters our church to be masked and vaccinated. But as we continue through this time of high levels of viral transmission, we also want to stress the importance of taking appropriate measures including wearing your mask whenever you leave your home, in respect for the interdependent web of which we are all a part.
-Greg Nichols & Reba Eagles
The current metrics for anywhere in the country are available from the CovidActNow.org web site.
Please read the Letter from the Board President 2021-10-13
Also see:
Pandemic Assessment & Response Team Charter