A musical service with the UU Singers and the Bell Ave. Ringers.
Join the live service on Zoom!
Zoom Passcode: Safford
(Please mute your mic before the service begins!)
**There will be no slides on Zoom this week**
Click here for the Order of Service (updates every Friday afternoon)
Forum: DMARC & FEDS- Food Insecurity in Central Iowa
This Sunday’s Forum will focus on food insecurity. Please plan to attend and learn about this crucial human need in our communities. Rev Sarah Trone Garriot from DMARC will be with us. Sarah serves as Coordinator of Interfaith Engagement. DMARC is a major part of our local Emergency Food System.
First Unitarian has been a member partner for over half of DMARC’s 70+ years. A wonderful 12-minute video on the organization and its history is available. Hope you are able to attend this forum.