Join us in person or on Zoom at 9:30 a.m. CT.
The leaves are gone and branches are bare. The moon glows against the snow and fields are empty. In this dark and cold season, how do we learn to appreciate the times of stillness, and waiting? Waiting for birth and growth, a new job, school to start or end, a new life, another chance, a coming change? The winters of our life are the pauses in between- the places where we center ourselves, and prepare to burst forward again. We welcome all as we explore the beauty and worth of the spaces in our lives and our years.
Forum: State of The Church with Rev. Amy
Join us at this Sunday’s forum where we will have a report from Rev. Amy on our progress since opening! We’ll be discussing finances, events, challenges, and triumphs. We will also have a chance to get to know them better by asking questions as well as sharing with them our thoughts and concerns for our congregation moving forward.
11:00 a.m. CT in Griffin Hall
Join us here on Zoom!