The Leading Causes of Life

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News from the medical world typically focuses on the leading causes of death: all those killer diseases and the multitude of medications and special diets created to resist them. This week our focus is on the leading causes of life: connection, coherence, agency, blessing, and hope. When we shift our focus from death to life, we begin to discover reasons for courage despite the challenges in our lives and our nation. Gary Gunderson & Larry Pray, authors of the transformative book Leading Causes of Life, urge us to think about life “with the precision and rigor that we use when we try to postpone death.” How can we do that? How can we be accountable to life? In every field of human endeavor, there are groups working on the margins to explore explore what could be, what should be, if we are to fully engage life and treasure it. It’s time for a paradigm shift in the way we live. This service features the musical gifts of Amy Anderson Sorensen, Scott Stilwell, and the UU Ringers.