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> For this, our traditional end-of-October service of remembrance to honor those who have died and to celebrate the continuity of life, we will together create an altar adorned with items that we think would be beautiful to our departed loved ones. All who attend are encouraged to bring photos, mementos, special items, etc. that can be placed on the altar early in the service (before the children are sung to their classes). Reflections will be shared about those from our church family who have died since last October—Jeanne Bowles, David Hurd, Phyllis Briley, Eileen Lundberg, Shirley Atkin, Des Bragg, and Carol Evans —and we will light candles acknowledging others we hold dear in our memory. A tender service of recognition, affirmation and celebration of this precious life we share.
Rev. Mark Stringer & Rev. Erin Gingrich