The Wi$dom Path: Money, Spirit, and Life

Comprises twelve 90-minute workshops, arranged around three themes: Money and Self; Money and Society; and Money, Spirit, and Life. Participants build awareness of their own “money story” and explore their own attitudes and experiences with money. They explore the ways in which money connects us with others, including issues of classism and economic justice, as well as money issues in congregational life, and then delve into ways to align faith, values, and a sense of a life calling with their financial ways of being. This course helps participants understand how money can be a more effective force for living lives of meaning and value and for creating positive change.

This free course meets in-person at First Unitarian Church each Tuesday, 7:00 – 8:45pm. Starts September 12, ending December 12, 2023.

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Led by Heidi Lackmann and Amanda Kruse.

Register here.