
The Perfect Heart

Service at 9:15 and 11:00 am Celebrant, Birch Spick On this Sunday, the last day in our exploration of the theme Journey, David Witke shares his "Religious Journey" during Our Life Together; the Search Committee reveals the conclusion of their journey in the search for a candidate to be our next settled Senior Minister; and children who participated in the Kids Celebrate! class help tell the Paulo Coelho story, "The Perfect Heart"—about a village that learns what special trait the "perfect" leader really needs. Through story and song, we explore the ways our journey together is one of love and trust. This is a service for all ages. Service for All Ages/ Child Dedication; Note: this is the service from the Sunday we were closed due to snow. Special Music: Small choral group to sing When Jelly Beans are Criminal

Justice Journey

Service at 9:15 and 11:00 am Celebrant, Katie Allen Who are our prophets today? Can we learn to hear marginalized voices as prophetic voices and follow their lead? Yolo Akili says that "for us as a world to end economic inequality, we have to do both the inner work in our hearts, and the outer work in our societies." This service invites us to embark on a justice journey, internal and external, that isn't merely "in support of the margins" but is "because of the margins." Special Music: Bell Ave. Ringers

The Journey of Belonging

  Click here for video (YouTube) Service at 9:15 and 11:00 am Celebrants, Susan Gross and Martha Shen Unitarian Universalists affirm the worth and dignity of all people in the first of our seven principles. Living into this, our most fundamental belief, is not as easy as it sounds, either for us as individuals or as a faith community. What would it take for us to grow as a people in our ability to welcome and the worth and dignity of “others”? We will look at our neurobiology as well as our more conscious choices. Special Music: UU Singers

It’s All About the Journey

Service at 9:15 and 11:00 am The youth of First Unitarian share their perspectives on the journey through high school and into the rest of their lives. In this service, they anticipate all that life has to offer and the myriad of ways their futures might unfold. "Welcoming" written and performed by Madeline Echternacht

Passport to Our Future

Service at 9:15 and 11:00 am Stewardship Celebration Sunday Today we celebrate 142 years of the First Unitarian Church of Des Moines and the bright future ahead. At this moment, First Unitarian is poised between our proud history and the heritage we are now creating for future generations. In this month when our theme is Journey, we hold the passport in our hands. UU Singers - Bridge Builder by E. Daly and In Meeting We Are Blessed , Music by Troy Robertson, Words by R. Gatsnahos and Donne