Remember the Dark: A Solstice Cantata
Click Here for Video (You Tube) Celebrant: Ben Spick In "Remember the Dark," UU musician David Glasgow has written an evocative cantata, part choral performance, part one-act musical, that honors the dark of winter and the opportunity for rest and restoration. Thee UU Singers, under the direction of Karen Kraemer, will share the music and insights of Glasgow's work during the Sunday service.
A Stone of Hope
Click here for video (You Tube) Celebrants: Susan Gross (with support from Martha Shen) In 1963, Martin Luther King delivered his remarkable "I Have a Dream" speech at the March on Washington. Dr. King asserted his faith that our nation could "hew out of a mountain of despair a stone of hope." In this month when our congregational theme is "Possibility," and our national political life sometimes feels like a mountain of despair, Dr. King's words challenge and inspire us to find that stone of hope.
A Possibility for Survival
Service at 9:15 and 11:00 am Celebrant: Kellie Patterson This month we ask how we can be a people of possibility, together. Let us apply the insights of Bowen family systems theory to consider what is actually possible to do individually and collectively wherever we find ourselves. Special Music by: UU Singers
Service for all ages at 9:15 and 11:00 am Celebrant: Martha Shen Join us for our annual welcoming of the New Year. All who wish will be invited to pass through a threshold to set a compassionate intention for the New Year.