So Be It. See To It.
Join us in-person or on Zoom at 9:30 a.m. CT. Click here for the Order of Service Forum: Community Conversations... Read More →
The Sanctuary of Each Other: A Service of Remembrance Life has its losses. This service for all ages remembers the loved ones who have passed away. As we honor their memories, and the ways they shaped our lives, we’re also reminded of the way that the sanctuary of one another gives us comfort in times of loss and grief. Your ministers encourage you to bring in a picture or object that represents someone special in your life, someone, whether a human person or an animal companion, whose memory you cherish. There is sanctuary here. Special music by the UU Singers
Justice Journey
9:15 & 11 am Celebrant: Kate Allen Immigration Justice and Sanctuary Team members reflect on how justice advocacy has impacted them. Special music by Sarah Chang and Scott Stilwell
Wayfaring Strangers
9:15 & 11 am Celebrant: Ben Spick The sanctuary of our beloved community holds us in love as we learn and grow, seek and serve, and discover the wonder and mystery of life. The experience of community can give its members a sense of belonging. But not everyone has this experience. Everyone longs for community, for that sense of belonging, for sanctuary, yet have experienced rejection and isolation for who they are. In this Sunday following October 11 National Coming Out Day, we consider how to extend a genuine welcome, and sanctuary, to people marginalized in our society because of gender or sexual orientation. Rev. Jennifer and Ben Spick, who co-lead this service, will each offer a reflection. Special music by Bell Ave Ringers
Listen for the Voices
Watch the Video (YouTube link) In this month when our theme is "Sanctuary," we're invited to consider the many ways in which a Unitarian Universalist congregation can be a sanctuary. The obvious connection is that we might host someone who is literally in sanctuary, yet the possible meaning of sanctuary is much broader. By our attitudes, actions, and compassion, we can create sanctuary here for many people in need of it, including ourselves. It begins with listening to all the voices that long for us to hear them. Special music by UU Singers