
Saying Goodbye Well

>>Click on the Sermon title to access a PDF and a YouTube link of the sermon<< Ending a long-term ministry like the one we have shared with Rev. Mark can be challenging, both for him and for us. But it can also be a blessing in that what we learn together may help us prepare for other goodbyes that are to come in our lives. Over these last few weeks, then, we’ll have many chances to practice and maybe even learn to get some things right. Let’s consider the possibilities.

Earth Day

>>Click on the Sermon title to access YouTube link of the sermon<< In this intergenerational service we celebrate our connections and the oneness of life.

No Going Back

>>Click on the Sermon title to access YouTube link of the sermon<< When Rev. Mark entered the ministry, he wasn’t sure he could write one Easter sermon. Over the years with us, however, he grew to appreciate the themes and lessons of this special Sunday, even for us Unitarian Universalists who are sometimes challenged by the notion of resurrection. For this, Rev. Mark’s last Easter with us, he will be reprising (or is it resurrecting?) one of his favorite Easter sermons, a meditation on how death can lead us to life.

Transformative Transitional Ministry

>>Click on the Sermon title to access YouTube link of the sermon<< With the imminent departure of Rev. Mark Stringer in June, following 16 years of ministry to our congregation, a patchwork service of looking back to the interim ministry of the Rev. Annie Holmes who served with us from 1999-2001. In a month in which we are considering what it means to be a community of transformation, we’ll hear from long-time members who recall the transformations that Annie helped us begin.