Roles & Responsibilities

Nominator / Champion

First of all – thank you! Without you this program would not be possible. When you nominate a community organization that you are affiliated with (whether as an employee, board member, volunteer or supporter), you are connecting that organization to our Faith in Action program. Your year-long contributions will help make this a successful and satisfying partnership for both sides.

If your organization is chosen by the congregational vote at our annual meeting, a member of the Faith in Action (FIA) Coordinating Team will let you know who your FIA team liaison will be. You’ll work together with the organization’s contact person to develop service projects that help connect church members with the organization’s mission. Please plan to participate in the service projects, serving as a host to welcome church volunteers. The FIA team will ask for a debrief afterwards to make sure we continue to offer meaningful experiences for both the church and the organization.

As champion, you also are responsible for helping promote our connection with the organization. Activities include:

  • Spreading the word and recruiting volunteers when a service project is happening. Personally asking is more likely to get volunteers engaged.
  • Working with your contact person, the FIA team and our minister to arrange for testimonial speakers for Sunday services from the organization and within the church, and help draft promotional announcements for our church communications, such as the Intercom newsletter and order of service.
  • Update the Faith in Action bulletin board in Griffin Hall to highlight your organization.

Organization Point-of-Contact

During the application process:

  • Work with the member/friend at First Unitarian to gather information to complete the nomination form.
  • Provide proof of your organization’s 501(c)3 tax-exempt status and latest audited financial statements.
  • Identify meaningful service projects that could appeal to a wide array of people, from youth to adults.

Once your organization is selected:

  • Provide information as needed, including facts, stories/testimonials, or other particulars that will tell the story of your organization.
  • Potentially be a guest speaker (or find someone else from your organization who could be) during a Sunday service.
  • Consider setting up an information table at First Unitarian on a Sunday morning to educate people about your organization.
  • In coordination with the champion and Faith in Action contact, create meaningful service project opportunities and provide any necessary support that volunteers will need to participate.