Our Church

Unitarian Universalists

Unitarian Universalism (UU) is a non-creedal religious denomination. Our members reflect many spiritual paths, including Christian, Buddhist, Pagan, Humanist, Jewish, agnostic, and atheist. (Yes, even atheists go to church!) We join together in our diverse beliefs through our shared values, a covenant that reflects our commitment to respect each other and pursue justice for all.

We welcome seekers, doubters, questioners and believers, while asking all who join us to respect our differences and celebrate our common humanity. Want to know more? Check out the history of the Unitarian Universalist church.

So what do you believe? Or maybe you don’t! Either way, we encourage you to explore Unitarian Universalism in the hope that you will find a church home with us.


Created by artist, Tanya Webster (chalicedays.org)

First Unitarian Church of Des Moines

First Unitarian Church of Des Moines is a congregation committed to growing ethically and spiritually, serving justly and loving radically. We value people for who they truly are, and work to expand social justice throughout our community. We are a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association, a denomination of approximately 900 congregations across the country that bring diverse religious perspectives together into a covenantal community supporting each of our unique life journeys.

Our history in Des Moines is the story of a congregation that actively applies its values to the ways we live in a changing world. From First Unitarian’s founding in 1877 to today, we’ve provided ethical and spiritual leadership addressing the issues of the time. Click to read our detailed historical timeline to find out more and watch our video to get to know our story!

Some highlights include:


With the help of Reverend Jennifer Brooks, interim minister, the congregation worked diligently to make positive changes in the church – renewing the process of being a Welcoming Congregation, updating accessibility for all to worship, and educating the congregation on pronouns.


Reverend Amy Petrie Shaw served as First Unitarian’s first Transgender minister.


On Christmas Eve in 2019, members of First Unitarian held public witness in support of immigrants being detained and separated at the US southern border.


In the spring of 2020, the church building was shut down. Services began to be held virtually as the COVID-19 pandemic hits our community and the nation.


Late in 2021, the church reopened and began to hold in-person gatherings again.  However, the new hybrid approach of also offering virtual options continued.


Church members raised over $400,000 and to renovate the church’s outdated kitchen. Great efforts were made to align the project with the church’s values around sustainability.


We are a community eager to provide mutual support to each other and encourage the sharing of personal values and beliefs – efforts that enrich us all.

UUA Designations

We are proud to have earned two important designations from the Unitarian Universalist Association.

Welcoming Congregation

In 1992, First Unitarian Church earned the Welcoming Congregation designation, which recognizes our intentional support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning members of our congregation and our community. Learn about our work on LGBTQ issues.

Green Sanctuary

Go green! First Unitarian Church has been a Green Sanctuary since 2015. This award recognizes our strong commitment to our Seventh Principle: “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.” Learn more about our Environmental Justice work.