Liberty, Justice, and Sexual Ethics

Not so long ago (or in a galaxy so far away) “sexual ethics” meant: only within marriage to one opposite-sex partner. And not much longer before that, it also meant: and only in order to procreate. What does it mean today? For one thing, consent is an ethical requirement more robust than ever – and that’s not the only way that ethics continues to be relevant to sexuality, even when procreation, monogamy, heterosexuality, and marriage may not be part of that ethic.

Zoom at 9:30 a.m. CT.

Zoom may not be available for this event. Please contact Bill Paxson if you have an interest in joining the Zoom team.

Click here for the Order of Service (updates every Friday afternoon)


Forum: Lessons from Scouts

Three representatives of local Scouts BSA troops, including First Unitarian member Steve Forman and his son Simon, as well Matt Harmon of Troop 44 and Lauri Ericson of Troop 50, the first Iowa group that added a Girls Troop, will share positive outcomes and learnings that have made scouting meaningful for them.