Love’s Call

Watch the Video (YouTube link) Where does love's call come from? We will consider a humanist answer to this question, creatively told through the retelling of a Bible story written by UU minister Rev. David Bumbaugh. Special music by the Bell Ave. Ringers

Hearing with the Heart

9:15 & 11 am Celebrant: Martha Shen In every encounter with another human being, there’s an opportunity to listen -- to go deep; to forge, even briefly, an authentic connection. To help illustrate the balance that’s necessary if we’re to hear with the heart, Bruce Martin and a small vocal group will contribute to Rev. Jen’s sermon with culturally distinct versions of the song, “The Sloop John B.“ The blend of prose, poetry, and music is, in itself, emblematic of balance.

Feeling at Home

Watch the Video (YouTube link) First Unitarian Church is a place our high schoolers feel at home, a place where they can safely express themselves and wholly be themselves. Our church is a space that brings a certain balance into their lives every week. Our youth will speak about the importance of this balance and the role the church plays in their lives. Join us!

A Tale of Tenacity

9:15 & 11 am In this service for all ages, we share a tale of tenacity: the story of Esther. This true story is the centerpiece of the Jewish celebration of Purim, which this year begins on February 28. In many ways Esther was a true superhero: a seemingly ordinary person who saved many lives through her persistence and courage. Today we consider how our own narratives intersect with this tale of tenacity.

Hanging On

Watch the Video (YouTube link) Perseverance carries an exhausting connotation, especially if we think about perseverance as holding our breath as we push through impossible conditions. This month our theme in worship asks us how we are called to be a people of perseverance. What alternative understandings of perseverance might we need to share if we are to be a people who persevere together?

Let My People Go

Watch the Video (YouTube link) What does liberation require? How can we live fully, freely (and responsibly) in a way that brings meaning to our lives—in a way that encourages and supports others who also seek meaning and purpose? How can we persevere in dismantling the barriers that separate us from who we aspire to be? Whatever holds us back (theology? enculturated assumptions? sheer crankiness?) it's time to let go—and claim our own liberation.

Promise and Practice

Watch the Video (YouTube link) What would it be like if our UU worship service centered entirely around the voices and the experiences of black Unitarian Universalists? What truths might we hear, however difficult? What might we learn? How might these UU leaders of color teach us to be better allies, better companions in our shared faith, and even better citizens in our community? As part of First Unitarian's commitment to embrace the presence and leadership of people of color, during this Sunday service we speak and sing in the voices of UUs of color. Together we practice; together we live into the promise of a new way of being. Today's offering will (with the knowledge and support of our regular Faith in Action partner Family Promise) help to fund Black Lives UU. If we meet the threshold of $10 per member, our contribution will be matched dollar-for-dollar.

Create the Vision

Watch the Video (YouTube link) A unique opportunity of the interim time is to explore the congregation’s own vision of its values, mission and vision. As we begin this process here at First Unitarian, Rev. Jennifer Brooks shares her insights from companioning other UU congregations through this process. Seeing that vision emerge from the shared light of all members is, she says, ”one of most moving and inspirational experiences of my life.” Share Your Light, Create Our Vision  

Share the Light

Watch the Video (YouTube link) Joining us over the weekend of this service is Rev. Janne Eller-Isaacs, our ministerial search transition coach, along with Rev. Jen Crow. After each service, Rev. Janne will hold open meetings to share information about the search process for our new settled senior minister. This purpose intersects beautifully with January’s Soul Matters theme exploring how we are called to be a people of intention. Setting personal intentions is a spiritual act that can shape our living. Setting collective intentions is a spiritual act that can transform a congregation and the wider community. In these services, guest minister, Rev. Jen Crow and Rev. Erin will speak to the power of love and ministry that is unleashed when a congregation re-imagines their shared intention for vision and mission. May we be inspired for the Connections Parties in February, when we will share our individual light to create the vision for our collective future.

The Long Arc

Watch the Video (YouTube link) Today we honor the legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His leadership during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s helped change America for the better. Yet still there‘s work for all people who answer the call of love. “The arc of the universe is long,“ Dr. King said, “but it bends toward justice.” It’s up to those who love to do the bending.