Spring Grounds Cleanup and Work Day: Sat., May 11th from 9a-1p (weather permitting)

Please join us to work on getting the church grounds ready for summer. Coffee and breakfast treats will be provided. We’ll be concentrating on several main projects:

  • Removing invasive honeysuckle from the woods.
  • Clearing winter debris from landscaped areas around the church building and from the pollinator garden at the south end of the church property.
  • Pruning trees and shrubs in identified areas.
  • Mulching flower beds around the building and the trail in the woods (wheelbarrows needed).
  • Picking up litter and trash all around the church property.

What to bring: Loppers, hand saws, hand clippers/pruners, leaf blowers, wheelbarrows

Wear: Work clothes including work gloves and sturdy boots or shoes.

Note: If the weather is not conducive, we will post an announcement on the church Facebook group that morning about cancelling the event.

Questions: Email grounds@ucdsm.org