Will the Real Jesus Please Rise?
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On the verge of Christmas Eve, as Christians around the world celebrate a birth that happened more than 2,000 years ago, we Unitarian Universalists seek to discern the true meaning of that birth. As people of diverse theologies, we respect and celebrate a diversity of religious traditions. And we may rightly ask: "What is there in the life of Jesus of Nazareth that invites respect? Who was this Jesus, really?" Two millennia of history aside, what is there about Jesus to celebrate? Answering this question means looking past the assumptions and conventions of the season to discover the real Jesus. This service is suitable for people age 6 and older and is designed to welcome all our diverse theologies.
A Unitarian Christmas
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Anyone who follows the UU Advent Calendar this season may already discovered, with surprise and delight, the unique contributions of Unitarians and Universalists to the celebration of Christmas. As UUs, we make an effort to respect and honor all the world's religious traditions, not merely the traditions we celebrate as individuals. During the 19th century, our Unitarian and Universalist forebears brought a non-conventional perspective to the celebration of Christmas. This morning the UU Singers and Choir Director Karen Kraemer usher us through "A Unitarian Christmas," with beautiful music, meaningful readings, and a delightful patina of history.
Special Music, UU Singers & Bell Ave Ringers
Waiting in Mystery
9:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. We spend so much of our time waiting—waiting to grow up, waiting on the phone, waiting for people, waiting for test results, waiting for the birth of a baby or the death of ourselves. What if waiting were only about the time in between? What if it didn’t matter what you were waiting for, but rather what you did while you were waiting? What goes on in YOUR life while you are waiting? On this 2nd Sunday of Advent on the Christian calendar, join Rev. Ginger Luke in reflecting upon some of the universal ideas the Christmas story of waiting brings to our minds. Special Music, Bell Ave. Ringers - I Wonder As I Wander
Star of Wonder
Watch the YouTube video here On this day before the beginning of Hannukah in the Jewish tradition (Dec. 3-10), and the first Sunday of Advent in the Christian tradition, we pause to contemplate the nature of miracles. Whether it's the birth of a baby, the Fibonacci numbers that predict the spiral shape of our galaxy, or the ever-renewable light made possible through solar technology, there are miracles (and mysteries) aplenty. Join in the spirit of free inquiry, curiosity, and wonder as Rev. Jennifer Brooks shines a little light on the mysteries and miracles of the season.