
Soul Fights

>>Click on the Sermon title to access YouTube link of the sermon<< In solitude, three ancient characters enter the dark night of their soul, pleading for release, for relief, for a blessing. These are our Soul Fights, those moments of solitude where transformation begins and we must choose to either risk the fight or miss the chance for transforming our lives. Rev. Gregory Pelley was called into Unitarian Universalist ministry out of this very congregation. He serves the Unitarian Universalist Society of Mill Creek in Newark, DE.

Dancing in Faith

>>Click on the Sermon title to access YouTube link of the sermon<< Change is occurring at a more and more rapid pace. This reality makes the stable parts of our lives, like the church, even more precious. So how might we move into the risks and opportunities that even ministerial transition might invite? Sharing the pulpit with Mark this Sunday is the Rev. Janne Eller-Isaacs, a life long Unitarian Universalist currently serving as senior co-minister of Unity Church-Unitarian in St. Paul. Janne has served as a Ministerial Settlement Representative for the UUA both on the west Coast and here on the Prairie and loves the opportunity to work with congregations in the midst of transition.

Lost & Found

>>Click on the Sermon title to access YouTube link of the sermon.<< More of us are engaging in advocacy and social change in new ways, even as we feel overwhelmed and at times struggle with despair. We are simultaneously lost and found. As a people of risk, how can we sustain our stepping in while also living with the uncertainty of the outcomes we seek? How can we sustain engagement through our discomfort? How can we support one another in living at the intersection of lost and found?

Courting Life

>>Click on the Sermon title to access YouTube link of the sermon.<< In keeping with this quote from T.S. Eliot—“Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go”—a meditation on the adventures we choose in pursuit of lives worthy of our highest aspirations. We will also conclude and celebrate the success of this year’s “Continue Our Legacy” Stewardship Drive.

Outside our Comfort Zone

9:15 & 11:00 am; Celebrant: Rev. Mark Stringer Through personal sharing, music, and a community poem, members of our congregation’s YRUU (Young Religious Unitarian Universalists) group will invite us to reflect upon the risky adventure that is life itself. Come support and learn from our youth as we kick off a month of considering together “What does it mean to be a community of risk?”