Mission Statement
The mission of First Unitarian Church of Des Moines is to love radically, grow ethically & spiritually, and serve justly.
Adopted 07/01/2016
Aspirational Relational Covenant
Ever mindful of our interconnectedness, we aspire to care for our own well-being, each other’s well-being, and the well-being of our community as a whole.
We will:
Recognize the inherent worth and dignity of all;
Be respectful and kind, valuing the gifts and individuality of all;
Listen with empathy and consider the impact of our words and actions;
Be patient and understanding with each other;
Find a pathway and work for reconciliation.
We extend these promises to all whom we encounter in this community – members, visitors, staff, and guests.
Let this covenant be the mending when the fabric of our congregation is torn.