Ours to Continue

>>Click on the Sermon title to access YouTube links of the sermon and celebrant reflection.<< What did we inherit when we became a part of First Unitarian? What now is ours to continue? As we kick off our 2017 Stewardship Drive, a time when we are asked to thoughtfully consider a generous annual commitment of financial support to our congregation, Mark reflects on why it matters to us and to our community that we continue to grow our identity as generous stewards.

Remaining Open in Groundless Times

>>Click on the Sermon title to access YouTube links of the sermon and celebrant reflection.<< Though we may not notice it, change is always happening- change in our relationships, our bodies, our communities. We see it clearly now in our government and church. How can we remain open in the midst of the uncertainty and anxiety that comes with "groundlessness"?

To Be a Prophetic Church

Watch the Video (YouTube link)  |  Download the Text (PDF) >>What would it mean for our congregation to be “prophetic”... Read More →

Prophetic Thresholds

9:15 & 11:00 am: Rev. Erin Gingrich; Celebrant: Chris Paxson. Let us bring in the New Year asking ourselves how we can more fully enter our lives and community. We will share in our annual tradition of passing through a threshold in this multi-generational service. The service is geared towards children 6 and up.

Sing out the Old, Sing in the New

ONE service this week at 10 am Come be with Barb and Bruce Martin and your church family as we sing in the new year with favorites of your choosing from our hymnals. Fun for all those who like to sing, and for those who like to listen.

Christmas Eve Service – “The Gift of Darkness”

Saturday at 5 & 7 pm As darkness envelops the land on this night of memory and tradition for so many of us, you have two opportunities to share in a UU Christmas Eve service, both of which will feature carol singing, candlelight, and a homily from Mark. Following these services, you are invited to linger and enjoy cookies (brought by those attending) and holiday fellowship.

Gifts that Move

Watch the Video (YouTube link) >> Gift-giving and gift-receiving in our culture can sometimes feel like an exchange of capital,... Read More →

Being Present for What’s Next

9:15 & 11:00 am: with Rev. Mark Stringer; Celebrant: Jon Royal. When faced with big decisions, the kind of decisions that can be seen as moments of crisis (or opportunity!), how do we discern faithfully, and how do we keep our balance and stay present through the changes?

Showing Up

9:15 & 11:00 am: with Rev. Erin Gingrich; Celebrant: Garrett McGuire. This month our theme asks what does it mean to be a community of presence. Join Rev. Erin and Hibo Jama, Director of Nisaa African Family Services, to consider how we might show up as a community of presence with our immigrant and Muslim neighbors.