Committees of the Board

Terms of Office

Board representatives on committees are appointed annually. Non-board member terms run July 1 – June 30, usually for three years.

Congregational Life Committee

Contact: Ellen Taylor, Chair |

This committee assists the Congregational Life Coordinator to ensure that we are welcoming to visitors, encouraging engagement in the church community, and supporting our hospitality teams.

Committee Charter

Financial Oversight Committee (FOC)

Contact: Steve Evans, Chair |

The Financial Oversight Committee (FOC) provides financial monitoring, oversight, and consultation to the Board, to ensure the transparency of this information, and to engage in other duties as assigned by the Board.

For a more complete description of duties, see the FOC Charter (12.3.2024).


Governance Committee

Contact: Jean Rommes, Chair |

The purpose of the Governance Committee is to enable productivity and efficiency in the congregation within its chosen governance structure. The Committee engages the congregation in a continual process of discernment and improvement.

For a more complete description of duties, see the Governance Committee Charter.

Human Resources Committee


The Human Resources (HR) Committee was established as an ad hoc committee in September, 2021. The purpose of this committee is to assist the senior minister in determining staff roles, job descriptions and evaluations and will include input on resume review when positions become open.

Committee Charter

Leadership Support Committee

Contact: Sally Boeckholt, Chair |

The Leadership Committee is responsible for defining healthy leadership styles at UCDSM, identifying and supporting congregational leaders, promoting mentoring throughout the congregation, and assuring the continuation of institutional memory for each group of the church. Team members serve 3-year staggered terms.

Committee Charter

Ministerial Review Committee


The Ministerial Review Committee is responsible for assessing the Senior Minister’s performance in advancing the mission and goals of our church.


Nominating Committee

Contact: Crystal Loving, Chair |

The Nominating Committee consists of two current Board Members and three non-board members.

For a more complete description of duties, see the Nominating Committee Charter 2020.

Stewardship Committee

Contact: Adrian Stamper, Chair |

The focus of Stewardship Ministry is to nurture and guide our culture of generosity at First Unitarian and lead efforts related to annual giving. We use a yearly stewardship model which asks yearly for an annual pledge commitment to allow the congregation to budget for the next year.

When you choose to join First Unitarian, we’ll ask you to think about what this church means to you and how you’ll help support our programs and ministry with an annual pledge. To help with your decision, the UUA Fair Share Giving Guide may be useful.

Any time you have questions about your financial support of First Unitarian, please contact the chair of our Stewardship Ministry Team, Adrian Stamper, at

Ministerial Search Committee

Contact: Eileen Jackson, Chair  |

On June 2, 2024, the congregation approved the appointment of seven First Unitarian members to serve on the MSC. These wonderful members are:

· Laura Berardi

· Becky Evans

· Pat Headley

· Eileen Jackson

· Todd Lackmann

· Ysa Morrigan

· Steve Stephenson

Please click here for more information about the ministerial transition.